And the hits just keep on coming...
~CenturyLink never called me back. So I called them AGAIN yesterday. Told the whole story to another person, who was a bit of a prick at first, until he pulled up the account and saw everything that had transpired. And this time they didn't include all of the service. So once again, everything had to be redone. This time, the sales person told me he would call me when he got off work on his own time to tell me when we sorted everything out and got us squared away. Once again, no call. So Charming and I decided that we would not go with them. We gave them five chances to prove to us they were worth of our business, way more chances than we should have given them, and they failed spectacularly each and every time. Ironically enough I received a robo call from CentruyLink today saying "there has been an update on your account, please call us to confirm." No thank you, and shove it.
~Yesterday the wind got worse and worse throughout the night so we had to stop things a bit early. Then last night around 3:30 AM I was awakened by the most horrendous noise. I thought a freight train was coming through our room. And then when I woke up enough to realize what it was I really thought we were in the middle of a tornado. The whole house was shaking, the roar unbearable. I couldn't sleep. So waking up at 7 AM was difficult. But we did and trudged over to the new house to meet the painter. It was a cloudless day, cold but nice. So happy to have dodged the weather bullet. An hour later the clouds plowed in and it poured. Off and on all day. Made moving really really difficult. And then I had to go to work and leave Charming all alone to finish moving things by himself.
~Today we had the Culligan water guy come by and assess our water since this house did not have a water softener. Vegas water is notoriously hard and usually softeners are needed. We knew this going in and were expecting to rent a softener for the time of our lease. What we did not expect was the Culligan guy to tell us that the water was hard and that it was undrinkable. In fact we shouldn't even bathe in it! Well, needless to say this changed things. We did not expect the water to be dangerous. And in order to make the water okay it is going to cost us a lot more money a month we can spend. So now we have to fight with the property manager/owner and hope they agree to install a softener and we will cover the filtering system. Or else I am not sure what we are going to done. Because we have to live there. But we need water too. I just worry because we knew there was no softener going in. I hope they can't hold the fact we had this knowledge before hand over our heads. We knew we needed a softener, we did not know the water wasn't safe softener or no softener. And that, to me, should be something the owner should take care of. I mean, it is a health issue, so they should have to make the house safe for us, right?
~In moving things yesterday we parked my car in our new driveway. Neither of us realized how steep the driveway was since we had not driven a car up on it when we looked at it. Now my car was bottoming out going up the driveway. Sure it was loaded down, but this got us to thinking. Charming's car is way lower than mine. How would he get his car up that steep an incline? And if he can't park in the garage what were we going to do? He couldn't park it on the street because he doesn't drive it every day. The HOA would certainly tow it. So another case of we didn't think things through enough and now we are stuck with the consequences. When are we going to learn to cover every single angle before jumping into something? I don't consider us impulsive people but we must be because we constantly get caught in these situations.
UPDATE: Since starting this post things have slowly been looking up. After having a mini breakdown when Charming called to tell me about the water issues, I directed probably the best show of my life which has nothing to do with our problems but did wonders to improving my mood. Then the rain stopped. And Charming called to tell me that he brought his car over and tested it out in the garage and as long as he goes super slow his car doesn't hit anything! He has only about a half inch of clearance but it clears. We rejoiced and I am thankful that I have someone in this mess with me who takes solace in the good we have together.
So I am holding on to the small wins. I will not let the bigger problems get me down. Everything will work out. Positive thinking!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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5 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
I'd love to help you decide on colorful flowers for your planters when the Move From Hell is finally over and done with. Soon, I hope, for your sanity's sake!
Please do NOT just take the Culligan guys word for the water. Red flags flashed all over my brain at his analysis. First contact your water company, and get the report that shows the water quality for your specific area. I don't believe for one minute that the water company could legally provide water that's unsafe!
Hang in there, because it's almost over! I'm so glad Pogonip said the thing about the Culligan guy, because that's EXACTLY what I was thinking!! He's trying to make a sale, he works on commission, for sure... there is no way in hell the water can be 'unsafe' when it comes from a public facility! They test that shit every day, by law. You're fine. He was trying to scare you. he probably could sense you were stressed out and vulnerable. What a piece of shit he was. Don't worry so much about the water. You know that PHX water is just as hard, right? Well, I drink that shit from the TAP, straight, and I'm doing fine. :-) (Negligable! I'm a little insane!) Well, of course, my shower is covered in hard deposits and my stainless sink never looks totally shiny, but that's the worst of the problem. It's just something we have to live with here.
You're getting caught in the negative cycle, and it's just going to go round and round and sweep up even the littlest things in its tornado of stress. Don't let that happen anymore. Be strong, and take deep breaths. Step outside the situation and realize that nothing is unfixable, insurmountable, or impossible. You're learning a lot of lessons with this move. It's all part of the experience, and you'll come out of this stronger and happier than ever! Vent here, all you want. But find the good stuff, even if you have to dig. It';s there, and it helps put things into perspective. You have a home and jobs. Charming's stomach issues are more under control now. The cats are just happy to be around you. And you're doing a great job at work! These are all awesome things. Your life is pretty good, when you think about it. All this stuff? This crap you're dealing with? It's nothing in the grand scheme. Hell, you're just about through it as it is!
Be strong and remember to smile. Or so help me God, I will come out there and beat a smile onto your g-damn face!!! ;-)
<3 <3
Everything Lisa said. :) Sending you hugs from Pittsburgh!
Ditto Pogonip, Lisa and EmilyB.
Even though things have been crazy there, I'm glad to hear you are trying to stay positive!! And the small wins each day will certainly help keep the positive attitude. Of course having Charming there is the best win each day! Hugs and love to you both!
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