Between working and packing and hauling crap to the new place I am not sure what day it is or what my name is. I do however know that tomorrow is the BIG move. We are well prepared I think. The only things left in the old house are the large furniture. Our bedroom set, a couch, two love seats, two chairs, two entertainment centers, two desks, the cat condo, a bench, the bar, a small table, the beer fridge and one giant massive TV. Still not sure how we are going to move that 52" behemoth.
More bullet points for you:
~The lady from CenturyLink called. Apparently she had been trying to get a hold of me for the past few days but couldn't leave a message on our machine. (?) Any way, she said our appointment is all set for Tuesday and she would call me back to do the third party confirmation again. Still have not heard from her so I am not holding my breath about Tuesday. I have Cox on stand by after I see what happens.
~I convinced Charming that we didn't need to believe the Culligan guy (he was making a sales pitch after all) and we are having someone from the Water Authority to come test the water. I am sure they will tell us it is safe to drink just too hard. Then we need to talk to the owner about putting a water loop in so we can get a softener. I hope they agree since we did not know it did not have the loop and we can't install a softener without one.
~This house does not have a microwave. but never fear, we have one from our old apartment in Massachusetts! It's been boxed up all safe for eight years. We dug it out today and the first thing we noticed is the Styrofoam surrounding the microwave had melted to the plug. But it wasn't on the connectors so Charming scraped it off and we plugged it in. We put it on for 30 seconds and when we opened the door it was smoking. So we will be getting a new microwave. I guess the 115 degree heat got to it in our garage.
~We have some unwanted tenants in our garage, front stoop and back patio. I had parked in the garage to unload the electronics today because I didn't want anyone to see and get the idea to break into the new house. I walked to my car and saw something in the peripheral vision. I stopped inches in front of a Black Widow on a strand of web. I think it was dead but my shrieking called Charming who immediately swatted it with his hat...INTO MY FACE!! After many many minutes of doing the spidey dance and almost stripping on the driveway we still couldn't find it. So Charming sprayed everywhere and tomorrow we have to vacuum suck the little baddies up. He didn't tell me how many he found but he said "Enough." That is enough for me to know.
~Tomorrow night, while I am tired beyond belief in a new house surrounded by boxes and boxes of our crap, I mean beloved belongings, the cast of Glee will be performing at Mandalay Bay. To say it is ironic that I am actually off on the night of the concert and can't afford tickets hurts my soul.
~Today we ran to the store to pick up a few things since Charming can still only eat specific stuff. The cart we selected had some of its side wires broken and a sharp piece stuck up on one side. I didn't realized this and leaned right over it to place something in the cart. A sharp stabbing pain hit my stomach and I lifted my shirt to see I had punctured myself in the gut. It wasn't very deep, only through a layer of skin or so, and it bled very little but it stung like a bitch. In the checkout I asked the clerk if they had a first aid kit so I could clean the wound and put some antiseptic on it. Even though it went through my shirt, I don't know what is on that cart, so I wanted to get it cleaned up fast. Right when I finished the manager came up all worried. I showed him the cart and my bandaged cut and he about fell over himself with apologies. I think he thought I was going to sue or something. He kept asking if I wanted to fill out an incident report. I assured him I was fine, just wanted to make sure that cart gotten taken off the floor so no one else got hurt. He practically followed us all the way outside, apologizing again and again. Once in the car Charming remarked we should have demanded our groceries for free.
~Tomorrow I go to pick up the truck so Charming, who has to work tomorrow night and is working tonight until 3 AM, can sleep as much as he can before the insanity begins. So I will get the truck. The 27 foot truck. I am a tiny bit concerned. I have never driven anything so big. The only good thing is it is a pretty much straight shot from the truck place to our house so I won't have to turn too much.
I will see you all on the other side in our new house. If I survive that is...

5 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Moving...ugh. I hope I never have to do it again. I hope you enjoy the new place!
Get the house treated for insects! You should probably carry a bottle of hairspray and/or bug killer on a utility belt for just in case. I have found that if you scream while you are spraying them, they die quicker.
Take super wide over emphasized turns with the van and you'll be fine.
-Mad E
BUG BOMBS!!!!!! I have been reading your blog from my phone, I havent abandoned you, I just couldnt respond.
Good grief girl, you guys need to break this bad Karma. I know whatever doesnt kill us makes us stronger, but enough is enough.
Maybe we need to do an online exorcism or something? LOL
I am so proud of both of you for holding your heads high and charging forward. You are going to be fine! I just read on facebook that you drove that truck! WAHOO!!! Amanda, you are really a strong mature woman and you can do anything.
just stay away from those damn spiders, thats a MANS job. hehe
hugs! welcome to your new home!
I am dreading packing and moving in September. It's been great finally having time to read your blog and keep up with what is going on in your life! Love you and miss you lots!!
I drove a moving truck for the first time in February. It was a lot of fun, in a way. I also think you are right about the water. I got the same sales pitch when I bought my house in Indiana.
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