I love feeding animals. I get all excited at zoos and parks when they have the feed stations and you can give corn and grain to the animals wandering around. But my most favorite experience was in August of 2009 in Massachusetts at the animal sanctuary near my parents' house. The deer roamed around free and would come right up to you and eat out of your hand. I couldn't get enough of it and was putting quarters into feed machines every chance I got. I loved the feel of the soft deer lips on my palm. I was never afraid or timid and would often seek out the biggest bucks with huge racks of antlers because they were just so impressive.

Here I am feeding a young doe, still spotted with her youthful fawn markings. This was really the coolest experience and I hope to go back some day. I love the interaction with the animals.
Charming is always trying to get me to feed birds even though he knows I don't like them. He thinks it is good to face my fears and attempt to overcome them. I tell him I'll overcome him if a bird does anything bad to me again. But I try every once in awhile to indulge him as long as there are no swarming possibilities.

Here I am in Boston, October 2010, throwing crumbs to pigeons, and praying I don't get too close. What you don't see if right after this picture was taken birds swooped in behind me and I ran away screaming.
I just realized I could not have picked two more unflattering hair pictures if I tried. A sweaty tight bun and frizz central. Nice.

5 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Yeah...these photo challenges aren't much fun. Besides, I already posted all my pictures of myself on Facebook; I'd have to go scan in some old photos and I'm way too lazy for that.
That lil' fawn is very pretty! Even if she does have a growth in the shape of a small boy on her tail. God loves ALL creatures, even the malformed. ;-)
I love feeding animals too!!!!
Also I didn't think that your hair looked unflattering in either of those pictures.
I get the joy of doing those ones over the next two days... joy.
:) You always have such fun pictures!
you look awesome! and your hair is beautiful!
I would, however like charming to take a video of you running away from the birds.... screaming ;-) LOL
Well, I like the way your hair looks when it's out, but it's perfectly fine in both pictures. Why is it that you don't like birds? Me, I'm just wary of them because they like to use my head as a port-a-potty. Nasty little bastids.
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