You see, I have a thing about food. I am very particular about what I eat, how something is prepared, what brands I am comfortable with. I love almost every type of food, as long as it is made the way I like it. This proves to be difficult when items I love how one person makes is different when another person makes it. Immediately potato salad springs to mind. That is often a tough one. Also, I physically can not eat some foods due to their contents whether it is allergies, too spicy/hot, or contains something with a suspect texture. Texture is a huge thing with me.
I like my sandwiches made in a specific order. Mayo on both sides of bread, then meat then cheese then lettuce then onion or whatever other veggies I want for a particular sandwich. I have been known to direct specifics at Subway employees, even having them remake something if it is done incorrectly. Usually if I stay on top of them I can avoid this but it has happened. I am not proud of how this particular tick of mine makes me into a bitch at times, but I can't help it. If things don't taste right I can't eat them and I hate wasting food. That's an even bigger pet peeve of mine. Which is why I have a problem with buffets I have never been to before because it is often hit or miss to find something I can eat. I am not sure why I am this way, I just am. I have tried to fix it, tried not to be so picky or detail oriented but it doesn't work. Something is off with the texture or spice or look and I have a really hard time forcing myself to eat.
The thing is, I will try anything once. I am not shy about trying new foods. But if I don't like it I probably won't try it again. My deal comes with things I have an expectation of tasting a certain way. I don't like it when food I know should be a certain way isn't. So I try my hardest to not put myself in those situations. I have gotten really good at circumventing what I can and can not eat.
So today we went grocery shopping. Charming and I split up. I took the coupons and he took our written out list of items we needed. The list was pretty specific, although anything not specified I was sure he could handle because we have been shopping countless times together and he knows about my little quirks with certain items. However, I still asked him repeatedly if he was okay with doing the deli meat because that is something I really am OCD about. He assured me he had a handle on it. We went our separate ways and met up at the end.
We got through checkout with only one mishap (he had picked up Mandarin oranges in snack cups, I don't do those slimy things, prefer fresh oranges) and went home. Once we were unpacking I came across the deli meat. Not only did he get the wrong type, but the wrong amounts and most importantly he got the most expensive brand there. A quick calculation and I realized we had almost $40 of deli meat that I wouldn't be able to eat. So I asked him about it, which led to a little bit of raised voices and then him saying he could never do anything right and me crying because I made him feel bad. I didn't want that. I don't like making him feel that way, especially when he tried. We eventually did make up and apologize and kissy kissy.
But that still didn't stop me bringing the deli items back and getting what I wanted in the first place.

6 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Probably doesn't help, but I get the same way. What's even worse is that I've passed this annoying trait onto Youngest. He's big on food having the right texture.
They accept returns on deli items?
I hate it when men pull the childish "I can't do anything right" crap. My husband does it all the damn time. Do WE, as women, ever behave like that? Nope. Wouldn't dream of it. Why can't they just be adult about things?
I hear ya; I hate some textures. The worst for me is anything gelatinous. Quiche, Jello-O... oh man, even thinking about them makes me feel queasy. And I'd never eat canned or factory-packaged fruit. Eww. Slimy and wrong. (I'm actually a pain in the ass b/c I only eat about 10 different foods, just in different combinations. I stick to what I know, which drives some people crazy. "Try something new," they'll say, and I will just change the subject!)
My husband is HORRIBLE about checking the prices on things, and he somehow has a knack for always picking the most expensive brand. Drives me up the wall. What you could do (and what my mother used to do) is be very, very specific when you make your list. Like "get suchandsuch brand in the blue box NOT the red box, and if they don't have it get XYZ brand instead."
we need to start a club!! I totally understand why you are the way you are about your groceries and food.
I have a certain order that I make sandwiches too. I am glad you took the deli meat back and changed it!
I TOTALLY feel you on this... well maybe not about deli meat specifically, but about stuff like that. I made my husband take carrots back because I didn't think that they looked right. I am so glad that I am not the only one. :)
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