So I combed through my volumes of photo books until I could find a picture of me, but one where you couldn't make out my face very well. It was a lot harder than it sounds because apparently, I am a camera whore. I like to smile right at the camera. And since I am usually the one taking the pictures or informing people when to take a picture of me there are not many shots when I'm not beaming at the lens.
More than 10 years puts me pre-Charming time. We met in June of 2000 so I looked before that. I focused on the years of 1997-1999, big years for me. I turned 20, then 21, graduated from college, started my adult life. Looking back was so nostalgic for me. It sucks I can't put a picture of my face on here because man, I was cute!
These pictures are from my 20th and 21st birthdays. One birthday I remember, the other...not so much.

This is October 29th, 1997, my 20th birthday. My best friends in college kidnapped me, blindfolded me and led me all around Cleveland, taking interesting pictures with me having no idea what was going on. Getting those pictures developed was a hoot because I really had no clue what they made me do. I kissed random guys, smiled with a cop and put my hands on statues in compromising positions. It was a lot of fun and it made my day special. I like this one the best because if I only knew I was surrounded by naked men I probably would be smiling a whole lot more.

This is October 29th, 1998, my 21st birthday. Apparently, no one likes to look at my face on my birthday. The night before, at the stroke of midnight my TV Production Class friends dragged me to the bar just off campus to have my first "official" drink. I have a lot of pictures of that night and I remember none of it. I was on the bar, behind the bar, kissing the bartender (Charming wouldn't let me put those on here) They had given me three double shots of Yaeger and 151 and after downing those things got very hazy. I slept until 3 PM on my birthday and then my Dad came to take me out for my first "official" drink. I was so hungover I think I drank one thing and that was it. We went to Dick's Last Resort where they humiliate you on purpose because it's fun. When it's your birthday they make you miserable. I got my very own birthday crown which was too big for my head. It was a great time.
I am going to have to go through the rest of my albums now because this was quite the trip down memory lane.

2 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
ha!! I love the idea of blindfolding you and taking pictures!! what crazy and awesome friends you had!
Wow! Now I understand why your birthdays always come with huge expectations! What great friends and great times you have had!
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