Too bad no one showed up to see it.
Yes, we threw a party and no one came. It's amazing how quickly a 33-year-old woman can be propelled back 20 years and feel like an insecure 13-year-old again. Apparently I'm the girl no one wants to be friends with. Or at least not friends enough to care about such things as showing up to something you said you would attend. And then not even text me with some lame excuse of why they couldn't come. Every single movie where the young gawky female lead looks out the window at every car that passes by in hopes that someone, anyone will show up to her party? That was me last night. I was so excited to show off this house. Because this house is so us, finally a home we can love and share and have fun in. And with every passing minute, half hour, hour, the realization that we will probably be the only ones who appreciate how we put it together became apparent my heart broke just a little bit more.
So we have about $150 worth of alcohol (which, once we realized no one was coming we tried to make a considerable dent in ourselves) and about $60 of finger food to plow through. Charming, Charming's mother and eventually two of Charming's cousins and I tried to make the best of it with some kick ass games of pool and darts and then a rousing game of Apples to Apples. See, all the fun missed out! We have a kick ass game pad! Those people don't know what they were missing.
I am trying to be the bigger person and not let it get to me, but it is hard. Especially since this is the fourth time this has happened to me out here. I have planned something, a party and get together, and people say they are coming and no one does. It is just a wake-up call that people here are way different than I am used to. People around here say yes to just about anything and then if something better comes along they do that instead. Not how I do business so it breaks my heart. I don't try to throw things often. When I do it is something special, like Charming's birthday surprise which fell flat. Which means no more parties for me. No more bringing people into my personal life. And no more trusting people from work. Those who I think are friends really are not. At least not friends to the standard I am accustomed.
Plus no one said anything to me today until about an hour ago when only two people asked how my party went. When I said no one showed they acted shocked and said they were tired so that is why they did not come. It was a Friday night. Everyone in this city does something on Friday. It's like a law. And we had free alcohol! My husband took a day off specifically for nothing.
So I have decided to separate my work and private lives. No more cross over. No more attempting to bond. I have been hurt too many times.
Time to make work just work and enjoy Charming and the select few people who I know I can count on.

17 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
So sorry...we've had the same experience. Of course, I try to put a good spin on...more alcohol for me! For all the good it does, if I had been in Vegas, I would have been there. Hugs!
[Damn it! I just wrote and Blogger knocked me out and I lost the whole comment--this has been happening to me lately on everyone's blogger blog.]
What I was trying to say was, in a nutshell, that I'm really sad to hear that people flaked out on you like that. There's no shortage of a-holes in this world, it seems. Sigh. I wish there was a way I could have made it work to get up there for the party myself!
I've been in your situation before, too. Every party I throw winds up with the same 5 or 6 people, and everyone else flakes out. It pisses me off. People should NOT say they are going to be at your party and then just not show up at all. It's really rude. Grrr.
Hang on to all that booze. When I get a chance to come up there to visit again, I wanna play drunk Apples to Apples with you guys.
I am really sorry this happened to you. I can relate with this. I no longer throw parties because of that exact reason. I too would have been there if I could've been. I don't know what is up with people as we get older. In my 20's, I was able to get at least 10-15 people to come out for my birthday. Now, I am lucky if I get 3 people. I know people have their own lives and all but come on, planning 2-3 hours at a friend's house is NOT difficult. For your "friends" (I use that word loosely)to not even call or text you is even worse and for that, you have a right to be upset and angry. Do not take it personally though because if you ask enough people, you'll know you're not alone on this.
You and Charming have been through a lot and we who read this blog are proud of all that you accomplished. You are stronger than you think! Much love to you. Chin up. <3 xoxo
CRAP, I kept asking my husband, "Can't we PLEASSSSE go to Las Vegas this weekend, VP is having a party."
People are flakes and NEVER RSVP, and even when they do, they give some shitty reason why they weren't there. I say good for you, separation of work and self is a GREAT way to do...I did that years ago.
And PS, Charming got a day off with you, that's special.
Boo. People can be such assholes. If I lived closer I would have absolutely come to your party.
So sorry you were made to feel unloved. :(
I think I was right around your age, possibly a little younger, when I found out that it really is the best policy to keep work and personal lives separate. Work "friends" just are NOT the same as personal life, real friends. Sad but true, and if you really can find a way of keeping the two separate I think you will find yourself happy that you did.
This post makes me happy that I am not now, and hever have been a party-throwing person. Growing up, my parents threw parties ALL.THE.FREAKING.TIME., scarring me forever, I think! :) I say, save your booze, food, generosity and good heart for those who appreciate those things.
And just for the record, I SO would have shown up. Even without the free alcohol!
I don't think I've ever commented but I have been reading for awhile. We live in Vegas too and when I'm invited to something even if it's way across town and I don't want to go I go. Because you are right - this town is weird that way. Part of me thinks that it is because we are all transients from somewhere else and just don't connect with anyone else? I don't know. I'm sorry - it sucks
How weird...
But then again, I haven't thrown a party since my late teens, for that very reason. It was trouble enough convincing my parent to let me have it, then being embarrassed about the amount of pizza they purchased when so few people showed. Not to mention that the people who DID show were actually my work friends of the affluent party crowd, and how embarrassed I felt at my piddly, do-nothing, blue collar party.
I've also been the one not to commit to several parties work friends have hosted this year- even ones I really wanted to go to- because of either DH's schedule and limited time off, or my own tiredness. I always feel bad when I hear so few people (or none at all) showed.
Did you not cancel this party? There's even a post on your Facebook wall from someone who specifically says: "Hey, your house warming party popped back up on my page. Is it back on?" And you say "Unfortunately no. I tried canceling the event again. Maybe it will take this time."
So...sounds like people thought you cancelled? Because you DID cancel?
I would have come, except for the whole move, which is why I came the weekend before. It sucks when that happens, though. I had a party to show an indie film my friend put out, and only one friend showed up. It really sucks.
I am glad you were able to make the best of it despite your disappointment.
Hey Anonymous, tell me who you are and I'll explain that situation.
I wish I lived closer so I could have come, and admired everything and oohed and aahed over all your efforts. You guys are awesome and deserve this wonderful home so much.
I can't believe people are so rude as to RSVP and then not show. And after you were so kind to invite them. That would break my heart too.
what a bunch of rude people!! I dont blame you for wanting to separate your home life and your work life, I did that years ago. It is easier that way....
I saw your pics on facebook and your house is amazing!! And here you thought this wasnt your dream house, right??? I love it!
oh and for the record, I would have picked Kim up and been there with bells on too...
Maybe "anonymous" was one of those rude acquaintances, (cant call them friends) who didnt show...
I'm the anonymous culprit! I'm sorry - it's just that I wasn't logged in and I didn't notice. Not trying to be rude at all - just trying to offer an explanation for the no-shows, and perhaps some comfort. I tend to only look at Facebook events once, so if it was cancelled and then rescheduled, maybe people just didn't get the rescheduled part? Or maybe all of your friends are rude assholes. I don't know. Just trying to help. :)
Years ago a coworker I did not care for threw a New Year's Eve party at his house. He gave us all vague directions. I headed out sometime after 8 to go. I found his street, found a house that appeared to have the right house number. There were plenty of cars out front and a party was definitely going on. I went in and was handed a glass of wine right off the bat. I walked around for awhile, listening to people I didn't know talking about various things of no real importance. Finally I asked someone where the host was. I said his name and everyone just looked at me with a blank stare. Oops, wrong house! Turned out I should have kept my mouth shut because their party was better than his. 2 years later he stuck a giant dagger in my back while he murdered his way into the manager's job. I rarely mix friendships with work relationships anymore. The knife in the back happens far too often. Then again, that's Memphis for you.
That is so shitty, what those people did, and just plain rude. Stuff like this makes me think my hermit-like ways and social anxiety may have saved my feelings a time or two. I think you have the right of it: be good to the people you know care about you. To hell with everybody else.
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