Well, we are moved.
And amongst the mountain of cardboard and newspaper a new home lay...somewhere.
But before we got there we had to first finish up at the old place. Cleaning, polishing, and sprucing to ensure we got our deposit back. And in between all of that we decided to hold a garage/moving sale.
Because we didn't have enough to do.
And I love getting up at 6:30 AM...three days in a row.
I finally found something worse than packing and unpacking. Pricing and haggling. And watching people who do the drive-by and don't even stop to see what we have. Listen, you can't get the lay of a garage sale from your car. You need to get out, peruse the merchandise. I am a hard-core garage saler, I know these things. So those not-serious people piss me off.
Tomorrow is day three of the sale and then we pack up whatever isn't sold and ship it off to the Salvation Army. Then we drop the keys off and wait for the walk through that will tell us if we get our deposit back. I think if we don't both Charming and I will go ballistic.
We have been getting things put away a bit in the new place but will really focus this weekend and plow through a lot. All the furniture is in place, it's just unpacking boxes now. We got some new faucets for our bathroom and the kitchen because the ones there were antiquated. I need to find some patio furniture for our massive outdoor space and perhaps a futon for the extra bedroom but other than that this house should be set. I will post some pictures when things get more put away.
Within all this controlled chaos, we had a bit of a scare with my mom this week. She was suddenly in the hospital with an infection in her red blood cells. She's going to be okay and is home now with antibiotics. But needless to say this scared the ever living out of me. As all of you know, a blood infection is what killed Charming's father. So I was sufficiently freaked out by this. Granted, my mom got treatment in time and was not as advanced as Charming's dad, but it brought back a whole flood of feelings and memories that I try not to relive. Also being 3000 miles away did not help matters. But she is doing okay and will be fine which is a huge relief for all of us.
So when I get a chance to breathe, when things finally, finally calm down, maybe I can relax. Or at least slow down.
That will be nice. I look froward to that day.

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