I'm sorry.
I just needed a small break from the blogging every day. I had no idea it would be so tiring!
But I am so glad I did the Challenge. Not only did it make me blog every day, which honestly I had missed. But it made me look inside myself for answers to things I had never thought of before. And best of all it gave me insights to a ton of my friends who followed my crazy example and did the Blog Challenge too! I loved getting new ideas and tips from them as well as learning more about those I care about and have bonded with over this silly thing called a blog. Thanks for playing too ladies!
So now, where does this leave me. No more Blog Challenge to force me to write every day. But I do hope to write at least three times a week. I have a lot going on right now and a lot to say, so content will not be an issue. Finding time will be. But I made time for the Challenge, so now I will make time for regular blogging. I don't want to lose this again. This blog is a good support system. It also keeps me honest and is a fabulous place to test ideas, concerns and goings ons. So what if I don't have the readers I used to? Those that stuck with me are who matter and most importantly, me. I need this blog for myself. It's my own brand of therapy keeping me safe and sane.
So stay tuned. I have some big things coming up in my life. Huge decisions to make. Some life changes (I fell off the wagon regarding the getting in shape thanks to craziness and the holidays. I need to get back to it) as well as some introspective revelations about myself and things that have happened to me. And of course the usual entertainment juiciness that keeps me going. Like my cutie Darren Criss just popping up everywhere, much to my delight.
Hold on. The blog bitch is back!

4 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Big ol'
whoops! it didn't read the Grin! The most important part, lol.
YAAAY!!! I am glad the blog bitch is back!! And we are all right here with you!
I am glad you did the challenge, I loved reading your blogs and what fun it was!
We all fall off of that get in shape wagon, just crawl back on and forget about the past... look to the future.
It was a fun bonding experience, wasn't it? I'm going to be checking in, to hold you to that three-times-a-week plan! :-)
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