But I am still struck dumb by the awesomeness of Glee's Super Episode.
Oh. My. Goodness.
First of all, everything was perfect. The storyline was superb. A lot of movement with character plot lines and issues. There were a ton of tiny moments that I loved. Like Coach Beiste singing along with Rachel and Puck during "Need You Now" (which I am SO happy they did. LOVE that song!) Mike Chang so concerned for Tina. Will beating the big drum after the big football win. Blaine licking his milkshake straw. I will be rewinding and re watching that over and over.
*sigh* Blaine. I heart Darren Criss. Can he just come and sing to me once? I think that would satisfy me for life. His rendition of "Bills, Bills, Bills" was once again better than the original and that scene at the restaurant? Can he BE any cuter? I have a huge HUGE crush! And Tuesday's episode is going to fuel that flame even more form the previews I have watched a dozen times.
Pause to insert how happy I am that there will be another new Glee episode in two days. Two days, people! That's all we have to wait!
But the "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" zombie performance? Absolutely awe-inspiring. I don't even have the words to describe the incredibleness. Which is not a word but I am making up to encompass such a stellar moment.
This is one that will stay in my DVR for a long time.
So I can't write about the game (which I didn't care that much about) or the commercials (some of which were really funny) because my head is full of Glee.
However, there is one stand out that I must mention because it's adorableness is too much to bear. (I am using a lot of -ness words tonight. I blame the Glee overload.)
My pick for best Super Bowl commercial. Mini-Darth Vader. The expressions, even with the helmet on are priceless. And the jump back, turn to look at the house, turn to look back at the car. So awesome. (Side note: Can I please live in one of the neighborhoods featured in commercials? They always look like the ideal street to live on.)

2 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Arg I am so angry that the Canadian channel that was showing Glee showed the wrong episode for the fist 15 mins or so, so I missed the beginning!!! (I tuned in when the Cheerios were doing California Girls.) It looked like such a good episode!!! :)
Aww, that was a cute commercial! Thanks for posting it... it's the 1st Superbowl commercial I've seen, and the only one I cared about seeing, anyway. Everyone's been talking about it!
The only thing about that episode of Glee was how it was clearly engineered to try to rope in the Superbowl fans. The stupid California Girls dance in the beginning...meh. Didn't do anything for me either, Sue. It was there just to try to keep the guys from changing the channel, no other reason.
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