Wait...I can explain.
Not only have I been sick STILL, after three long weeks, but I have been encompassed by weeks of torment and indecision.
And then intense rage.
But allow me to back up a bit...
My boss is leaving his position and moving out of state. The person ahead of me is taking over his position. That leaves the weekday supervisor position open for me to go for. Everyone wanted me to get it, producers, production crew, talent, even my soon-to-be-former boss and his replacement. I still had to apply but it was pretty much a given that I would get it if I wanted it.
The position would mean more responsibility, more money, a better title. Basically, the smart move for my resume. And I wanted it. I really REALLY wanted it. So bad I could taste it. I had actually been offered this position before and had to turn it down for personal reasons.
Which is why saying no, again, was the hardest thing I ever had to do.
You see, it is a Monday through Friday position. And while having Saturdays and Sundays off would be a dream come true for me, it would mean no days off with Charming. He tried, oh how he tried, to get his days switched. But the people who had Saturday and Sunday off at his work didn't want to switch. He couldn't even get Sunday and Monday off so we could have at least one day.
And the truth is, we hardly see each other outside of the days we have off together. His new much later schedule has him not even going to work until my shift is more than half over and him getting home long after I have gone to bed. And it is putting a strain on our relationship. He can't do things with me anymore, like go out after work, because he is working so late. This leads to jealousy and resentment and lots of other things that poison a relationship. There are several other factors as well, but quite frankly, we are struggling. Things are not going so well. So not having days off together would not have boded well for our relationship.
I agonized over this decision for weeks, waiting until the last minute to give them my decision. I didn't want to let anyone down and it seemed no matter what I chose I was going to hurt someone. In the end, my relationship with my husband meant more to me than any job and I politely declined to go for the position. I know it was the right thing to do, even though seeing the email today announcing who they selected for the position stabbed at my heart just a bit.
And then Charming comes home with a story that leads me to the livid portion of this story.
Charming needed to get an upcoming Saturday off and asked the one person who has Saturdays off at his work. The guy strung him along and then finally agreed to switch with Charming. He said he would work for Charming on that Saturday and Charming would work for him on Wednesday. The guy laughs and says, "Man, I'll have Wednesday off? Guess I'll have to do something with my wife since she is off that day too."
Charming looked at him and asked him what he meant.
The guy tells Charming that his wife has Tuesdays and Wednesdays off so he would have to see his wife if he didn't work that day.
Charming was dumbfounded. Tuesday and Wednesday are the days that Charming currently has off. The days he wanted to switch with someone so he could have Saturdays and Sundays off so I could go for the promotion. This guy has the days off Charming needed and this guy's wife has the days off he would have gotten if he had switched shifts with Charming.
When Charming asked him, why did he refuse to switch shifts with Charming when he could have had days off with his wife if he did, the guy replied, AND I QUOTE, "I don't want days off with my wife all the time. What am I, crazy?"
I informed Charming he should never, under any circumstances, point out this particular employee to me because I would not be able to stop myself from castrating him for causing me and my husband and everyone I work with undue stress and insanity for weeks when all he needed to do was say yes to a situation that would have worked for everyone.
I guess some people get married to NOT spend time with that person. Who's the crazy one?

4 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Damn it, now I am livid for you, too! Some people are just such relentless assholes. That really does suck that, if not for that guy, this promotion could have worked for you guys. Grrr! Want me to send some good ol' Arizona wild-west rage that way?!
I'm kinda bummed you turned it down/didn't apply for it. I understand your reasons, but I was getting all excited for you to finally get your body on a normal schedule, get healthy and be able to normalize your hormones/circadian rhythms so that you could conceive. Who knows? Sometimes change can be good, and maybe it might have been just what you guys needed, rather than making things worse, like you fear.
Ooh, that really sucks but it sounds like you made the right decision for you. If it makes you feel any better, that guy's marriage probably won't last with an attitude like that.
I dont blame you for being livid but I do think you made the right decision. Maybe someday this moron will get the boot and charming can move into his position and it will all work out.
Hang in there guys, karma sucks and that guy deserves to get the Karma boot in the butt!
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