Eons before he graced the cover of Entertainment Weekly this week.
Light years ahead of when he became a break-out star on one of my favorite shows ever and had the most downloaded song in a remake that I think is better than Katy Perry's original. Plus he stole a few hearts in the process.
And even before he and his unruly hair sang covers of Disney songs for his YouTube channel.
I've been in love with Darren Criss since I first saw him play Harry in A Very Potter Musical.
I first heard about this show a few years ago. Being a huge Harry Potter fan I checked out this parody of my favorite book series. I was amazed at the talent behind the production. A group of Michigan college students wrote, directed and performed the show and it soon became a viral sensation. The acting was hilarious, the songs infectious and the potential amazing. I found myself watching it over and over, captivated by the leading man in the story. When I discovered that Darren Criss not only starred as the titular Harry Potter but also wrote a lot of the music for the show himself, I knew that this was no ordinary average musical kid. This guy has true talent out the wazoo. And then to follow-up this mega online hit with yet another production, A Very Potter Sequel, as well as other projects with the production company made with his college buddies Starkid Productions, it's no wonder Glee came calling.
I am eagerly awaiting Darren's return to Glee in February and even more so Starkid's new production Starship. These are an amazing group of talented individuals led by an out of this world gifted young man. Plus it helps that he is smoking hot too. But for me it all comes back to A Very Potter Musical and the first time I saw my beloved Harry Potter in a new light. I downloaded all the music from the show within minutes of watching it and find myself singing the tunes regularly. You watch even just the first YouTube clip (the entire play is broken into parts at the link above) and see how long it is before you are humming along to "Back To Hogwarts." The songs are infectious!!

4 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Huh. No idea. Never even knew any of it existed and was a topic folks were buzzing about.
You have no idea just how often a blog post by one of my friends makes me go "Uh... who...?"
Oh my gosh I had never put two and two together! I never realized that this was him! HA! AWESOME!!! :D
You know, I watched the first bit of this at some point and never got around to checking out the rest. It was kind of a kick to see Darren Criss turn up on Glee. He's very talented.
Ha! I never saw any of A Very Potter Musical until now. I heard about it, but I thought it was a real thing off-Broadway or something; I never thought to check YouTube. Well, anyway, that's a pretty clever idea and it seems like it could be a "real thing" if someone wanted to back it.
Oh yeah, I remember those Disney covers! I totally recall seeing those videos at some point. Very good singer, indeed. (He looks hotter with longer, crazy hair... well, to me anyway!)
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