Not including the personal friend sites I visit almost every day and the entertainment sites to keep up on my favorite TV shows, movies and actors, I probably read about 50 websites. I don't read all of them every day but I can tell you, Google Reader is a lifesaver when it comes to weeding out the things I just don't have time for in that huge list.
I read the regular ones., PostSecret, Daily Coyote and Cute Overload. There are some regular professional bloggers I read, like finslippy and Notes From The Trenches, comedy blogs like Hyperbole and a Half (her drawings make me pee myself) and Fail Blog. But there is a site I found out about recently that I have to share. I am sure some of you know all about it but it was new to me a few weeks ago and now I can't get enough of it.
The Oatmeal.
I love the cartoons on this blog because I find myself saying to myself "that's SO true!!" You know it is a good piece of comedy when you identify with what is being made fun of. Plus, the author does a lot of comics and posts about cats and well, I love anything to do with cats, especially tutorials on how to pet them, so I was sold right there. It takes a certain brand of humor to make me laugh out loud repeatedly and this site has it. Whether he is explaining the crap we put up with getting on and off an airplane or what Play-Doh really tastes like, the posts are done in such a simple humorous way you can't help but want more. I devoured the whole site in about three hours and when I was done I was a bit let down knowing I would have to wait for more things to be posted. So I tell everyone I know about this site so I can experience the hilarity of a missive to public toilets with them all over again.

2 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Heee. So I'm going to be spending a lot of time catching up, is what I'm getting.
I always forget about that site! It does have some hilarious stuff and I'm going to bookmark it now. :-)
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