So I'm deviating again today. Yes, I am a rebel.
I am going to talk about my favorite cartoon character. (I know others are doing Something That Once Was Fun And Is Not Anymore, or something like that. But Fraulein N covered almost exactly what I was going to say about roller coasters not being so much fun anymore and pogonip's suggestion stuck in my head so I'm running with that one. See, even more of a rebel.)
As all of you know I love any and everything to do with Britain. I love British actors and actresses, movies set there, the history, the monarchy. I even want to retire there. But the thing I love the most is the accent. A good British accent can make me swoon.
And I can pinpoint when this love for the Brits came to be. All thanks to a wily, sexy-voiced fox.
Disney's Robin Hood is my all-time favorite cartoon character.

I fell in love with this rascally bandit at a very young age. Couldn't have been more than eight or nine and I was smitten after just one viewing. It was the voice that did me in. Rich and smooth and oh so sexy. Of course, I didn't know it was sexy then, I was only eight. But it made me feel good. I would watch that movie with my eyes closed just to hear that voice flow over me like honey. I still do that in fact.

And as foxes go, Robin was, well...a fox. I could totally see why Maid Marion fell for him. So dashing and cute and devoted to her. That sly little smile and warm brown eyes. When he tells Marion he loves her and then they discuss their married life together while in battle against King John. Sigh. And then they frolic in the woods and he puts a flower ring on her finger and gazes into her eyes lovingly. Double sigh! He was the perfect dreamboat boyfriend. Too bad he's a cartoon, not real, and well...not my species either.

I used to fantasize about finding a guy with a Robin Hood voice. Joseph Fiennes comes pretty darn close. I have never looked up a picture of who actually voiced my animated hunk for fear it would ruin my fantasy. I would be devastated to discover that gorgeous voice belonged to a fat, balding man with a horrible overbite.
Sigh. Now I am all worked up and have to go pop in my Most Wanted Edition of Robin Hood.
Oo De Lally.

7 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
From my adventures on the internet I can tell you there are a lot (a LOT) of women out there who fell in love with Disney's Robin Hood when they were young. I think, yes, it's the voice.
Now of course I'm very tempted to look up who did the voice but you're probably right about the potential for heartbreak. So let's just pretend it's Alan Rickman, hmm?
Cute cute cute! I am totally doing this tomorrow! YAY! :)
Oh and good news! I googled it and you can rest assured that the guy who voiced Robin is not fat and is actually quite attractive (although now a little old) AND he is an accomplished Shakespearean actor (so he's very talented!) Oh shit maybe you didn't want to know that... Sorry... I thought you would feel better...
great topic!!! My week is boring too, so I didnt post about it either. LOL
I love Disneys Robin Hood too!!
I love this so much. I think it's awesome that other people had crushes on cartoon characters when they were younger, not just me! Robin Hood was cute, and I do think I liked him, too. As we're all saying, it's the voice! Mmmm, British accents. That's pretty much my favorite accent.
My Bombshells were very interested in the older "chick" with the arrow. (Talk about dangerous birds!) I hope she didn't give them any ideas.
I missed this one, somehow...
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