So I am taking a suggestion made yesterday to talk about my first kiss. It sounded like a good topic.
Actually, I am going to talk about my first kiss and my last first kiss.
My first kiss was sweet, as first kisses should be. I was nine and my best friend lived up the street from me. Patrick and I had been thick as thieves. I was always riding my bike up to his house or he rode his down to mine. We hung out and played the way nine year-old kids can when they are still young enough to have fun and not worry about the boy/girl thing. When I heard that his family was moving away to North Carolina I was devastated. I could not imagine not having him nearby.
Patrick came by the day before he was supposed to leave. We sat on my front stoop and just enjoyed the last few moments we had together before he had to go. Pretty soon, as the sun began to set, the moment came where he had to leave. I walked him down my driveway as he pushed his bike along. We stopped at the end before he climbed on to pedal away. He turned and leaned down to kiss me. It was short, sweet and soft. The perfect goodbye. And then he rode off without looking back as I cried.
I talked to Patrick for years after that, even seeing him once three years later on our way down to Florida. We kept in touch off and on and he even came to Cleveland my senior year of college to take me to my winter formal. Unfortunately, he had different ideas that trip so it did not end as well as that first eventful parting. But I will always hold a special place for him in my heart because he made that momentous event a good memory for me to cherish.
My last first kiss was, obviously, from the lips of my husband. Charming and I met June 1st, 2000 when he was moving my roommate, his brother, into our apartment. When he left to go back to Pennsylvania I asked my roommate for Charming's phone number and we began a month long communication spree of phone calls and emails. We talked several times a day, some times for hours on end.
Charming and I did not see each other again until June 30th when he came back to Cleveland to visit me. I was at a concert when he arrived and nervous about seeing me again, Charming proceeded to get toasted with his brother. When I returned home I found them in very high spirits. Both Charming and I were acting a bit shy, exchanging pleasantries and random information about our days. Soon it was time to turn in. We lay on my bed, just laying there, looking at each other. I noticed the chain he wore had its clasp in the front. I told him the habit I have of holding the clasp, making a wish and then kissing it before turning it around to the back. I told him to make a wish and kiss the clasp then I turned it around to the back before leaning in to kiss him on the lips. He smiled when I pulled back and said that I had made his wish come true.
I do believe I fell in love with him head over heels right in that moment.
Tomorrow, no week in detail. I'm coming up with something new.

6 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
What a sweet post!
I love this post, and I love that you can share these special moments with us..
What a special guy your charming is!!!
AWWWW! Both of those stories are so sweet! Thank you for sharing them.
That was a great departure from your planned post--so sweet!
Awwwww so so so sweet! I fully don't remember my first I am going to pretend it's like yours :)
Ha ha, those Patricks are trouble!!! Stay away! :-)
Your last first kiss story is very cute. But then again, you are one of "those couples" that are kind of ALWAYS cute. Puuuuke! Just kidding! ;-)
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