A baby.
Ironic this question would come today when earlier I received a call from my mother, all excited to talk to me. She had just visited a psychic she went to on a whim with some work friends and the psychic wanted to talk mainly about me. My mom only told this lady her name and the names of her children and off the psychic went. She knew my mom had a daughter who wanted to get pregnant and was not having any success. The problem is, according to the psychic, I have to be manly in my job in order to be successful, but I bring this manliness home and that is keeping me from getting pregnant. Once I open up to my feminine side I will be able to conceive. I just have to let my husband be the man at home. In order to help me do this I should wear a certain kind of moonstone, but only while I am away from work. I must take the moonstone off when working so I can do my job properly.
The psychic said a lot of others things, including when our baby would be conceived by, what the sex would be, looks and attitude, but I am keeping that to myself for now. However, the whole "too manly" thing was the main point. And I can't believe how on target she was, specifics about my job and what I deal with. So specific I am inclined to believe what she said and follow her advice. What do I have to lose? I am in tune with mystical arts and figure all she said could be true. She got me down pat after only hearing my name, my mother didn't tell her anything. And if it all pans out, well, I'll owe her big time for the life of our first child.
Time for me to start looking for my moonstone. I gots to make me a baby!

3 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
That is so nuts. I am now really excited to see what happens. I have a feeling that this is going to be a good year fo a lot of my friends. I think 2011 is THE year! :D
ohhhh exciting!! Go for it girl! why not???
What, exactly is a moonstone?? you need to find one asap!!
It can't hurt to give it a try! Go, magic moonstone, go!
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