I say attempting since the act of actually completing this task is proving to be impossible due to a certain asshole bank that rhymes with Fells Wago blocking us at every turn. Somehow they seem to hold the fact my husband's father died, we make no money and our house is now worth about a third of what we paid for it as our fault and we just need to suck it up and take the fall. The hoops we have jumped through for over ten months boggles my mind and still we had no answer if the sale approval would come or not.
Then on Tuesday we learned our fate.
The sale would be approved...IF we paid the PMI a $10,000 promissory note.
This is Fells Wago's way of pushing the blame off of them and onto the insurers of the loan so they can sleep free and clear at night and not wonder about the poor little people they screw over on a daily basis.
We don't have $10,000. Nor do we have a way to pay that amount out over a number of years since it would mean adding another $140 to our monthly expenses. Our monthly expenses hardly leave room for us to eat as it is. Tack on another almost hundred and a half and I'll be losing weight through starvation. Plus, I really don't want to give these assholes any more of my hard earned money. They already have over ninety grand in interest from our loan, have ruined our credit and taken our sanity. And now they want MORE? I don't think so.
But, if we don't pay they won't approve the sale. And then everyone loses. We have to go to foreclosure and may be liable for the balance of our loan, which is a scary, scary big number. Our realtor who has been busting her ass to get this sale approved for over ten months wouldn't get paid. And the buyers, who have been patiently waiting to move into their new summer home for ten months would be back to square one with their house hunt. Even the asshole bank would be taking less due to the fact our house would not bring in as much at auction as the buyers are willing to pay.
Not that I care about them.
So really, we are stuck. Moral conscience fighting with reality.
We asked if they would accept $5000 and have yet to hear back (Yet another of my pet peeves about this whole process. They ask us for something and we have no time to respond but yet they can drag their sweet old time out doing things.) Five thousand seemed a bit easier for us to swallow. I hope they say yes because we would finally be done with this horrible situation. If they don't Charming and I will have to sit down and do some serious figuring and cutting. We are pretty bare bones as it is but some things will have to go in order to pay for this. Because it is looking more and more like walking away at this point would hurt too many people.
And I can't handle that hanging over my head.
Being an adult sucks. Big time.

6 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Oy. Hoping for the best for you two. Stupid banks.
BTW, I like this blog theme SO MUCH BETTER than the last one you had. I could NOT read your posts with the busy background showing through. Plus, Domo is uber-cute. :)
Geez, what a nightmare!
I miss the peaceful, soothing feeling of the old background, but this one is fun and cute.
Oh Amanda...trust me when I say I can relate to what you're going through. Financial crap is just that...crap. And, yes, banks suck. They can afford to, because THEY get bailed out. I guess that makes it easier not to have a conscience???
Although it's no help whatsoever, just know you're not alone in these crazy financial times. And your blog is so cute...did you do it yourself? If so, you rock. :)
Grrrr. Too bad you can't sic Domo on their corporate patooties. His sharp little teeth might help them accept your 5K and regret their delay.
Son of a B*tch!!! What a bunch of crap. I hate being an adult so much sometimes. I hope you hear something promising from the bastard bank. (I also love the new layout-- very cute, not as dark and dreary. This page is more YOU.) :-)
It seems like the big, faceless corporations will stop at nothing to squeeze the little guy every step they get. And I never really have heard good things about Fells Wago. It makes me not want to be a customer of theirs even more!
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