As yesterday's post indicates I am a huge animal lover. I especially love cats and dogs and horses, so shows like Animal Cops are especially hard on me. Also, those ASPCA commercials melt my heart. I immediately want to take home every animal in a cage. I can't even go into a PetSmart without needing to adopt every kitty behind the glass. But the abused animals hit me the hardest. I can never imagine what a poor defenseless animal could do to someone in order for them to get beat. Most of the time, these creatures do nothing to deserve being abused. And the worst part is, animals usually still love the people who hurt them. They have unconditional love no matter what happens to them. I can't stand the sight of those little faces, battered and bruised, but still craving attention and love. I bawl every single time. Sarah McLachlan's soulful tune doesn't help.
So I figured I would put a picture of animal abuse up here as a picture that makes me angry/sad. Because those pictures certainly do make me very angry and very sad.
Have you ever typed "animal abuse" into Google images? I don't advise doing it. I think I will live a thousand years and not get those impressions about of my head. They were so horrible, so unbelievably terrible I couldn't think of putting one up here. And how would I ever pick which picture to post when one picture was as heart-wrenching as the next?
So just take my word for it, those pictures are what makes me angry/sad. You don't need to see them for me to prove it.

5 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
Wow. I could have written this post. I was thinking the same thing for the Day 8 challenge, actually. Few photos make me feel as sad and angry as anything with an animal that has been purposely hurt by a person.
Great call on not posting any of the pictures here. No need to look at that stuff more than we have to.
(Coincidentally, I *just* saw that ASPCA commercial a few minutes ago! I usually have to change the channel, especially before they show the old, white dog after the words, "But for some, help came too late." OMG, nooooo.)
Somehow, I had a feeling this would be your topic...
I'm so glad you decided not to actually post a picture. I was reading trepidatiously, sure that something terrible was coming that I wouldn't be able to stomach. I was definitely relieved that I was worried about nothing.
I can't stand to see an animal that's been hit by the car and is dead on the side of the road, either :(
I agree. I'm not going to post a picture tomorrow either. Cause I wouldn't want to see it for the next few days as I check on my blog. :( I volunteered at the SPCA for a year while I was looking for a job and it was hard, but what made it harder was not the animals that actually make it to the shelter, in my opinion they are the lucky ones, but the ones who don't. The animals that die due to neglect and abuse. They're the ones I feel the most sorry for. :(
Animals are the best and we are lucky to have them as a part of our lives. :)
Ugh, THAT COMMERCIAL. Thanks for not posting any of the pictures you found.
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