Day 1 and already I am stumped.
My favorite song?
I could no easier pick my favorite kiss from my husband or purr from my kitties. Music is so ingrained in my soul, such an integral part of me how could I decide what one song speaks to me more than any other?
My tastes vary quickly, sometimes as fast as week to week. I hear a song during a pivotal scene in a TV show or while walking in a store and that sound speaks to me. I could love a song for months and then want nothing more to do with it until years later when hearing that song reminds me of why I liked it in the first place. I have songs interwoven into my fondest memories and darkest pains, tunes that trigger visceral responses. Music is a joy that I love far and wide, through varying genres and types. I make constant mixes and playlists, adding something new that sparks something within.
I love music.
So what is my favorite song? I know songs that used to be my favorites, before being replaced with something new. But is there one song I could listen to over and over and never tire of? Sure, I have some of those as well. So out of that list, what would I call my most favorite song?
Well, I couldn't pick just one but I narrowed it down to three.
"Satellite" - The Dave Matthews Band: This song is one of those songs that causes me extreme joy and pain all at once. Joy because I remember how I felt when I first heard this song and how I fell in love with what would become my most favorite band ever. Pain because there is a lot of bad memories that come with this song, a lot of huge moments happened involving this song and I wish I could say all of them were good. Despite all that every time this melodious reverie comes on I can't help but smile because this song is a part of me.
"Good Enough" - Sarah McLachlan: I first heard this song when I was a freshman in college. Away from home for the first time, two weeks into my freshman year, I heard a song through the walls of my dorm room. I was not doing well, homesick and hating my roommate, ready to pack up and go home. But that song, even muffled through the walls, soothed my wired nerves. It spoke to me so deeply I made myself get up and go search who was playing it so I could find out what it was. This led to me meeting my neighbors for the first time and making my first friends in college. I went out and bought Sarah's CD the next day played it in heavy rotation ever since.
"Hallelujah Chorus" - Handel: I have sung this song since I was in middle school. I have sung it in huge choruses, church choirs, four part harmonies and with my mom in our living room. Every time I hear the opening bars of this majestic song I can't help but join in. A few weeks ago I found a video of people standing up in a food court in a mall and randomly singing this song. If I was there I would have stood up and sung it too. This is a song I will know forever, and can sing my part (soprano, but I know all the other parts inside and out too since I have rehearsed it so much) effortlessly. It is the most soulful and meaningful song I know and I love being a part of it.
Even as I was writing this I kept thinking of more and more songs I wanted to mention. But am sticking to these three. Ask me in a week and I'll probably change my mind though.
Not bad for my first day of this blog challenge. I hope the next days are this challenging and interesting.

7 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
I like that these posts provide you with a topic and then prompt you to think. Even if you feel you can't quite comply with the criteria or aren't inclined to blog because of that, you still get a good post out of it!
I'm like that I don't really have a favorite song. I'm more of an event with the musical accompaniment sort of gal.
Very fine post.
Nice! I really love the Halleluiah Chorus, too. And I can still sing MY part, which is alto. We should get a tenor and a baritone to join us, and we can do a nice little version of it sometime. :-) I love that this song is all interwoven and rich, and how the balance between the parts comes together so powerfully at the end when it's in unison. It just builds beautifully! Great choice!
Sarah McLachlan is always great, too. I'm kinda partial to her "A Winter's Night" personally. It's just cute, and warm. :-)
And because we're all different and none of us like the same stuff, I can tell you that I'm not a fan of DMB so the other song can stay YOUR favorite and I won't creep in on it! Ha ha!
This project is going to be FUN! Thanks for turning me on to it!
I love Sarah M too! She has an incredible voice.
I haven't heard "Your Sex is On Fire" since I was in Vegas in November, but it has good memories.
I am like you. I can't pick one favorite.
This one stumped me too. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who had troubles with it! :)
Adia by Sarah M was one of my faves! :)
Great choices! I love that DMB song, it's also one of my all-time faves.
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