Weight Today: 253
I am trying not to get too excited by those numbers since I am sure I only lost about two pounds. The first number came from when I was weighed on a different scale with all my clothes on after eating a huge lunch four days before my period started. The second number was taken in the middle of my period, naked and first thing in the morning. So this week is not completely accurate. For me the number that will really chart my progress will be next week's. Although I am very happy it did go down and not up.
Today we added more weight to my leg weights and tacked on another 15 minutes to our walk. It was a blustery cold and windy time but we did it. We completed our walk. Charming charted the complaints I had throughout the 45 minute trek and wanted me to list them here:
~These weights are too heavy.
~My feet hurt.
~My legs hurt.
~I have a stitch in my side.
~My ears are too cold.
~My ears hurt.
~The wind is pushing against me.
~My back hurts.
~I can't talk because I can't breathe.
~I'm hungry.
~I don't want to go anymore.
~Those cars driving by are too loud.
~My butt is sweating.
~I have a puddle of not good things in my pants.
~My shirt keeps riding up.
~Are we done yet???
I really am a whiny bitch when exercising.
But Charming would also like me to tell you that I didn't quit and finished the walk and all my exercises after. So while I may be complaining a lot, at least I am still doing what I need to do and he is proud of me. I really have no choice, he is a slave driver. In fact I think I may have muttered one more complaint that he didn't include...something about wishing bad things upon him if he would just let me stop. He knows I don't mean anything I say when I am pushing myself so maybe that's why it didn't make the list.
I was unsure if I was going to walk today due to the issue I had early this morning. I was awakened by the feeling of having a bowel movement, but out the other hole. I made it to the toilet and the scene that unfolded was the worst I have ever endured. Pieces as big as two half dollars were vacating my body. I had to run a bath because there was no way to clean myself up enough with just toilet paper. I remembered all of your helpful and concerned comments about my periods on my previous post and this scared me enough to put a call in to the doctor, which I am still waiting to hear a response from. I mean, it woke me up it was so massive. That just can't be right. I only hope it is nothing huge because I'm not sure if I can take more bad news.
It seems like that is the only kind I get.
*Don't forget to check out the Healthy Blogger Club blog! I'm even featured in the Wednesday post! Join us in our fight to get healthy.

5 Deposits in the Crazy Bin:
hahaha If I were Charming I'd take my iPod with me next time ;-)
Keep up the good work!!
"The cars driving by are too loud," --that is so me, too!
I just recently read about a medicine that targets heavy periods (about time). Hope it's nothing worse--or something easily fixable.
I'm proud of you for doing so well for a whole week!!!!
make sure you follow up with your doctor!! it could be just a really heavy period from hormone changes..
You are becoming the exercise queen!! I am so proud of you!! Yay for the loss! dont ever downplay a loss, be proud of your accomplishment!!
Then go to the grocery store and pick up 4 lbs of butter, that is how much you lost this week! WOOT!
You are doing sooo good !!! go you!! I hate exercising too but these days i only wish i could. So you can excerise for me too k? LOL
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